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How WeatherAds Works
12 articles
Can I display dynamic weather information within my ad?The ability to display dynamic weather data within the ad itself is a feature that we will be rolling out soon.
How frequently does WeatherAds update my campaigns?WeatherAds makes changes to your AdWords and Facebook campaigns hourly, 24 / 7 / 365, based on latest weather data.
What do the blue, green and red circles on the map mean in the preview screen?The circles on the map indicate where your ads are being shown and paused, and your bids being modified up or down.
What are the meteorological values for each weather condition?Here's a description for each of the weather conditions, and what values constitutes light, moderate and heavy amounts.
I want to pause or end my weather targeted campaign. How do I do this?WeatherAds can reactivate a paused campaign if you do not switch off your weather targeting first. Please read these instructions...
Does WeatherAds work in my country?WeatherAds is a global service meaning it works in every country that the Facebook or AdWords platform is compatible with.
Can you target based on a single location rather than your audience’s weather?WeatherAds lets users trigger ads in all their geo targets based on the weather in one location.
Is WeatherAds a script?WeatherAds is not a script, it's a self-serve platform that lets you add automated weather triggers to your AdWords and Facebook campaigns.
Will my clients know I'm using WeatherAds?Your clients will not be able to see your connection to WeatherAds.
What verticals get the best lift from weather based advertising?Weather affects sales of over 30% of all products and services. Here's all the different industries that are impacted by weather.
Can you target based on past & forecast weather as well as current?With WeatherAds you can trigger ads and automate bid adjustments before, during, and after any type of weather event.
Is there a way to target ads by weather on Facebook and AdWords without using a tools like WeatherAds?Neither AdWords or Facebook have inbuilt weather targeting capabilities. WeatherAds is the easiest, cheapest, and most powerful tool.