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Single Location vs Multi-Location Automations – what's the difference?
Single Location vs Multi-Location Automations – what's the difference?

This article explains the key differences between a Single Location Automation and a Multi-Location Automation flow in WeatherAds.

Updated over a week ago

Single Location vs Multi-Location Automations - a quick overview

Which type of automation you should use will depend on two factors: How your Google campaigns / Facebook ad sets are structured, and whether you want to automate based on the viewer’s weather, or the weather in a specific location (e.g. a ski resort).

A Single Location Automation (SLA), requires that each campaign or ad set is aligned to a single ‘weather location'. The advantage of this type of automation is that it offers a wider selection of actions. The disadvantage is that you may need to create more campaigns/ ad sets to cover your geographical market.

A Multi Location Automation (MLA), on the other hand, works for campaigns/ ad sets that have multiple geo targets (cities, zip codes) or broad geo targets (e.g. states & countries), and is able to apply localized weather automation at a granular level for each location. The trade-off is that an MLA has fewer actions to choose from, with the actions only operating at the campaign or ad set geo level.

Use the decision tree chart below to help you decide which type of automation to use for your campaigns.

Single Location Automations Vs Multi-Location Automations - WeatherAds

Single Location Automations - what are they and when should you use them?

A Single Location Automation (SLA) requires each campaign or ad set within your automation to be aligned with a unique ‘weather location’ (weather data point). The weather location must be suitably granular, e.g. a county, city, zip or postal code.

Once each of your campaigns / ad set is aligned to a weather location, you can create automated rules (consisting of triggers and actions) based on the weather in that specific location. Here is an example of a Single Location Automation setup for Facebook:

Example of a Single Location Automation setup for Facebook

An example of a Single Location Automation , with each Facebook ad set aligned to a specific weather location.

Single Location Automation actions - Google Ads

Campaign Level

  • Activate/ deactivate campaign

  • Adjust campaign daily budget

Ad Group level

  • Switch ad group on/ off

  • Adjust bids

Ad Level

  • Play/ pause Ads

Single Location Automation actions - Facebook

Ad Set Level

  • Switch ad set on/ off

  • Adjust bid control / cost control

  • Adjust daily budget

  • Adjust lifetime budget

Ad Level

  • Play/ pause Ads

Campaign setup requirements for a Single Location Automation

Each Google campaign or Facebook ad set within your automation can be aligned with only one weather location. Therefor if you're looking to target based on your audience's weather, and your audience is spread over a large geographical area, then you will need to create multiple campaigns/ ad sets, each one targeting a specific city or zip code within your broader target market.

Advantages of a Single Location Automation

  • More automated actions available that with a multi-location automation. Actions can be assigned at various levels (ad level, ad set level, campaign level)

  • Compatible with both ‘audience weather targeting’, and 'destination weather targeting' tactics. Destination targeting is when you are targeting based on the weather in a different location to that of your audience (especially good for travel / tourism campaigns). Learn more about destination targeting.

  • Facebook learning retention (coming soon)

Single Location Automation Considerations

  • You may end up with a greater number of campaigns or ad sets than with a multi-location automation, depending on the size, and / or number of locations you wish to target. Learn more about best practices on centralized budgeting for a large number of ad sets, and learn how to bulk create ad sets in Facebook.

Multi-Location Automations - what are they and when should you use them?

A Multi-Location Automation (MLA) is best suited to campaigns with more complex geo targeting. An MLA should be used when your campaign / ad set is targeting either a large geographical region with inherent weather variability (such as a country or a state), or is targeting multiple geos with differing weather conditions (e.g. multiple zip codes or multiple cities; multiple addresses in the same zip code would be fine).

Multi-location automations are used exclusively for automating your campaign based on your audience's weather (rather than the weather in a remote location).

Multi-Location Automation actions - Google Ads

Campaign Geo Level

  • Turn on/ off ad delivery at geo level (via geo inclusion/ exclusion).

  • Adjust geo-level bids

  • Switch campaign on/ off

Multi-Location Automation actions - Facebook

Ad Set Level

  • Turn on/ off ad delivery at geo level (via geo inclusion/ exclusion).

  • Switch ad set on/ off

Campaign setup requirements for a Multi-Location Automation

A Multi-location automation does not require a separate campaign or ad set for each location so the set up requirements are less exacting than for a SLA. In most (but not all) cases, WeatherAds is able to recognize and work with your campaign / ad set’s geo targeting. If you are targeting a large geography that is subject to weather variability (e.g. a country), WeatherAds will automatically atomize it into smaller regions (e.g. cities) so it can accurately apply weather automation at a localized level. This atomization breakdown process is automated, but will be visible within your campaign’s location targeting settings after you have set your automation live.

Read more about Multi-Location Automation set up requirements for Google Ads and for Facebook.

Advantages of a Multi-Location Automation

  • Easier campaign set up within the ad platform, since there’s no need to create separate campaigns or ad sets for each weather geo.

Multi-Location Automation Considerations

  • More limited selection of actions. Actions operate at the campaign geo level for Google Ads and ad set geo level for Facebook.

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